May 2024 Easton SEPTA Newsletter

This April our students at Samuel Staple Elementary School and Helen Keller Middle School proudly supported Autism Acceptance month. Students at both schools “lit it up blue”, the signature color of the Autism Awareness movement, to help remind our communities during the month of April to focus on inclusivity and understanding for our autistic students.

Through generous donations by SEPTA members, students at SSES sported autism awareness bracelets, at HKMS, students rocked autism awareness shirts. First grade teacher, Mrs. Paciello, read her students the beautiful story, My Brother Charlie, a heartwarming story about a boy who happens to be autistic. We realize there is an ongoing conversation in the autism community about the preferred symbols and branding for the movement, so we look forward to having that conversation in Easton next year as we plan our autism awareness events. See full newsletter here.


June 2024 Easton SEPTA New